Research Interests
Industrial Organization, Competition Policy, and Experimental Economics.
"Collusion in the Presence of Antitrust Prosecution: Experimental Evidence", with Heiko Gerlach, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 222, 427 - 445, 2024
"Expert, Trust, and Competition", with Heiko Gerlach, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 198, 552 - 578, 2022
"Platform Competition, Vertical Differentiation, and Price Coherence", with Heiko Gerlach, The Journal of Law and Economics, 64 (3), 439-477, 2021
Working Papers
"Competing with Data in Credence Goods Market". (Draft available soon!)
"Corporate Basic Research, Knowledge Spillovers, and Public Research Institute", with Ping Lin. (Reject and Resubmit at Management Science)
"An Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Informed Trading", with Shino Takayama, Yuqing Liu, and Nhan Phan.
Selected Work in Progress
"Demand Fluctuation, Information Sharing, and Collusion", (with Heiko Gerlach)
"Heterogeneous Experts in Credence Goods Market".